Lately, I find myself reviewing the workouts listed on the BTT sidebar. I look with indifference as I recognize a few of the names and think “she’s back at it.”
Although Big Sis’ constantly chides that she would be happy to call me to wake me at some ungodly hour, my response remains, “No.” I assure you, I am awake well before daylight.
I am not ready to test my foot. I don’t *feel* like running, or spinning on the cycle, or swimming. I feel like a shower and, later, perhaps I’ll do some of the neglected yard work, buy a few Christmas gifts, sweep out the garage, or unpack my suitcase.
There are plenty of other things to do and I have no event on the calendar to prepare for. It’s time to get on with the rest of my life.
21stCenturyMom says
That’s right! It is time to enjoy the off season and let your foot heal.
Javamom says
Definitely rest up and see how you feel after the holidays! :>)
Big Sis says
I love it!