The day was infused with fun and games throughout. It wasn’t until after dinner, however, that the competitive tendencies were unleashed.
It started innocently; Television Trivial Pursuit questions were read for the members of Family F. As usual, Uncle Butthead Joe (UBHJ) had ALL the answers. His mind is good for things like that – filled with bits of useless information. He actually studies the Scrabble Dictionary and has TP cards in his bathroom for the same educational endeavors.
After dinner we broke out the Guesstures game. This was when the real fun and competition began. There was a lot of laughter and yelling. It was a blast. It went until late.
But the fun didn’t end there. At about 10 pm, the kids (big and small) started a scavenger hunt. Oh what fun!
Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Sounds like a blast. We had a hot game of Taboo. It was fun, but no scavenger hunts!!
Sounds like fun!!