It’s evening and the beach house is quickly filling with family members. I am still recovering from the long drive, but if feels like coming home after being absent for a long time.
It has been over two years since we were last here. Always the reason has been happy, but the memories are a mixed bag. They come rolling back like a big wave and I sift through them. I’ll discard the bad, and keep the good. That’s how I want to preserve the best of the best in my husband – his charm, wit, and good looks.
These family gatherings are always a time for the stories get pulled out, along with the Scrabble and Trivial Pursuit Games. Tonight it is like a series of bedtime stories, which act as reminders of great times, filled with togetherness and of love. For that we can all give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving!
This post was written on November 21st, but posted on November 22. Does it still count as NaBloPoMo participation if I continue my daily writing, but don’t actually post them on a daily basis? None of the available wireless connections are actually “available.” Shish! I am now sitting in a local Starbucks, desperate for my internet connection to the blogosphere. THIS is what my life has come to. Thanks for being here for me.
Happy Thanksgiving Juls! I think that almost sounds poetic..discard the bad memories and keep the good. I really like that.