From my hotel room window it was evident that the sun was already retiring for the day. It’s been a series of long days. Tomorrow will be the worst day of all (starting at 0730 EST and retiring at 2300 PST). There was no doubt in my mind; I *had* to get my run in today. I quickly changed, strapped Garminia to my left wrist, and was out the door.
In the front of the hotel a chilly breeze sent a chill up my spine. I pulled my long-sleeve shirt from my waist and put it on. Then I walked toward the street to check out the streets. Everywhere I looked the sidewalk was packed with people. The streets were busy too. I imagined myself having to dodge in and out trying to get in the planned 5 mile run.
I stepped back and gave it some thought. That was when I spotted Adele. She was waiting for the DC After Dark Tour Bus. It sounded like a great way to see some of what we’ve been missing – anything would be more than I’ve seen during this trip. While I thought my run would remedy some of that, it wasn’t looking good.
Then, as Adele and I were talking, I saw a runner coming up the driveway. I excused myself and ran to tap him on the shoulder. I asked him how his run was and proceeded to tell me that he’d headed up the road to a park. The park was small (about 1/4 mile around) and he was dodging people the entire time. He was clearly frustrated. That’s when I knew that the treadmill was my best bet.
I stepped back and gave it some thought. That was when I spotted Adele. She was waiting for the DC After Dark Tour Bus. It sounded like a great way to see some of what we’ve been missing – anything would be more than I’ve seen during this trip. While I thought my run would remedy some of that, it wasn’t looking good.
Then, as Adele and I were talking, I saw a runner coming up the driveway. I excused myself and ran to tap him on the shoulder. I asked him how his run was and proceded to tell me that he’d headed up the road to a park. The park was small (about 1/4 mile around) and he was dodging people the entire time. He was clearly frustrated. That’s when I knew that the treadmill was my best bet.
I was so glad that I brought myPod with me. We made our way to the fitness center to discover that the only two treadmills were full. I just stood outside the window and tried to figure out what to do next. Miraculously, the “good” one opened up.
I punched in my pace and started to run. The place was packed but I was in my own world within minutes. In the beginning, my case study exercise was all that I could think of. After a while the music took my mind elsewhere. I traveled in time forwards (to my marathon) and backwards (to the final hour of Tom’s life). My emotions spanned the gamete from the awe of CIM finish line at the state capitol to the pain and suffering that I could not rescue my husband from.
I wondered if the guy next to me could hear that I was gasping for air as I tried to deep breath through my own pain. I ran and ran and ran – giving thanks that I have the gift of running to help get me through these hard times.
Afterwards, I returned to my room for some pasta and merlot, and called the kids again just to say, “I love you” one more time. I can’t wait to be home again.
I read you & jsu think
‘you are one of the strongest people I have know’
read, maybe not know,but it feels like it sometimes.
a few more hours & you’ll be home! :o)
I am so glad you got that good treadmill!
Too bad you weren’t closer to the National Mall. You would have loved running there.
Welcome home.