Getting stoned, can only be one of two things:
– The smell that infiltrates the arena at concerts.
– The scene in The Life of Brian (or another one of those movies) where the town’s folk are lined up with rocks in their hands ready to pummel someone for their sins.
It’s neither of those in my case.
I got an email from my boss today. She doesn’t read my blog (at least I don’t think that she does), but she knows a little of what I’ve been going through. Her email would have fit in well with the comments that many of you have posted.
That is funny! I thought of you as I lay in bed last night, trying to think of ways I could help. I guess, from this distance, support is all I can offer. If you think of something else, let me know.
Such a difficult time for you. I am hopeful that it will all work out.
Support is what I can offer…same as backofpack.
I know what my wife would do…she’d cook. It’s probably just a ‘maritime’ thing but when someone here is in need…people cook and take food for the freezer.
If we lived closer to you…we’d cook and drop it off.
We’re thinking of you.
Robb & Victoria
That is such an odd illustration of the point but a point well made.
Robb: Virtual Food – Yum & Thanks.
21st Century Mom: The email was sent out to those in my department. Odd? Yes, but it worked for me.
BackOfPack & everyone else: Thanks for the continued support.
I am slow today and I had to look at the cartoon a few times. LOL It’s a great illustration. Sometimes we can’t help but we don’t want you to fall any further. (((HUGS)))
I thought that it was fitting that a runner came to the hippo’s rescue.
I LOVE that! what would we do without friends? annoying as they can be?
That is great!