I heard some rustling this morning, as I was getting ready for work. I’ve heard it a time or two before but, with the kids moving throughout the house, I was never able to figure out where the noise was coming from. At first, I looked out the window onto the roof. Nothing. Next, I walked over toward the kids’ room to see out their window. Again nothing. I stopped to listen. The sound was still audible and coming…from…over by the door to the attic. *great* While the kids are away, the critters have made their way inside our house and have come to stay.
I listened and tried to determine what the animal (or animals) could be. When they are outside, many of the critters are pretty cute. But over the hedge and inside my house, they aren’t so appealing. I began to wonder how large they could be.
Our neighbors had a similar experience about a month ago. I called them today to find out how they got rid of the unwanted guest. Apparently, she banged on the wall and screamed them out of her house. I could try that.
In an effort to avoid another expense I am willing to give noise-extermination a try. So tonight Lucky and I will be blasting some music, and doing some hootin’ and hollering. I might have to invite my neighbor over for some tips on technique; I wouldn’t want to choose the wrong music and make them feel more at home.
If this doesn’t work, I’ll have to fork out some money and call in The Verminator. I may not need the “De-Pelter Turbo” device but something MUST be done. I can just sit back and allow the critters to go around robbing the Spuddies from my neighborhood of overfed, SUV-driving humans! No way.
LOL–just the thought of you running around the house with a boombox over your head….hilarious!
That’s too funny! Be sure to let us know if it works.
Well, my singing always scares the humans away so if you need me to come over and sing I will.
So funny- sounds like a scene in a movie. The picture clip you included makes me think that may be they just want to keep you company until the kids come home.
Oh NO. I am not *that* bad off. The critters must GO. They are not welcome here.
hahaha…tea’s comment had me thinking of john cusack in “say anything” blasting “in your eyes” by peter gabriel. yeah…don’t play that. you might end up with critters in LOVE with you!
try some speedmetal or celine dion.