I can feel him staring hard at my back. He’s waiting with anticipation – of what, I cannot be sure. I know he is there, but I refuse to turn around and return the stare, let alone a glance. He lets on his frustration with a whine now and again. I actually find that cute in a strange way.
Almost as soon as I wrote that last thought, he changed his tune. It’s funny how the males are like that; it must be the testosterone. Now he is deadly quiet. I am sure that he is still there, but I think he must be looking the other way. I still refuse to look.
I lied. I *did* just look. He’s doing the pathetic, poor me song and dance. It pulls on my heartstrings. I can’t resist. I guess I’ll get dressed and take him for a walk.
Well, damn. There’s no way to resist that face.
Ahhh, is he a chocolate or black? We’ve got a chocolate and she doesn’t stare. No, she licks and dances, then moves the the other side, licks my pants, my elbow, anything near and dances more. I’ll give in and take her in a little while…
Awww…. At least he doesn’t start barking at you if you don’t make eye contact. Mine will just flat out bark at me, she figured staring doesn’t work. I have a black lab – German shepherd mix. Cute post! I hope you both enjoyed the walk. :)
See! All we have to do is use that testosterone in a positive way to get what we want :-)
Hard to resist that look!
That look would make me melt, too. I’m a sucker for said looks.
Don’t you just hate that! ;-)
My chocolate lab/ridgeback mix has that same stare. And boy, does it work! I’m taking some time off of running to heal my hip and she looks at me like I’ve abandoned her!! The walk I took her on tonight seemed to appease her a bit. There’s something about those eyes, isn’t there…