Each night, we have one of Tom’s close, male friends come to sit with him over night. The response has been great. It’s not that I have been sleeping a lot lately, but I have at least been lying down.
Tonight, Tom’s friend, David, is here to spend the night and allow me to sleep. YaYa and David are playing a game of Old Maid beside Tom’s bed. The fireplace is going and YaYa is able to be relaxed and near his Dad on a new level. It’s safe for him and “good.”
All the while, BoBo sleeps on the couch in the next room. It is early, but last night was a bit trying. No one in the family got to bed early last night.
And me? I may be taking a sleeping pill tonight so that I can get a “good” night’s sleep. If YaYa goes to sleep, than I will be able to sleep better too. A game of Old Maid is the perfect sleeping aid for him.