It was all I could do today NOT to go out for my 16 mile run. It’s another rest day on the first of a three-day weekend. I entertained the thought of moving my long run up a day and then begging Coach for a workout on Monday.
But I’d hate to compromise the healing on my foot. It’s funning that I was complaining about being so tired earlier in the week and now I am like a racehorse – champing at the bit to get out of the stable and run hard.
Today is sunny and warm; It is hard to sit still. The weather is too good to be true. The trees are blossoming and the birds are singing. It’s hard to just sit at home and do nothing.
Okay, not exactly “nothing”.
From 10-11:45 am, we were at YaYa’s baseball practice. I contributed a little, but my baseball skills are pretty bad.
After practice, we stocked up on cytomax, GU, and moleskin at the nearby REI. Then we went to the grocery store for items for dinner. I wasn’t motivated enough to gather food for the entire week, not even the weekend for that matter. DD is coming into town and it is hard to anticipate what we will need. Being an actor, he is eating different than how he ate before he left the nest. He’s more fit minded and that’s good for all of us. I can’t keep track of his eating preferences anymore.
Household Chores
After we returned home, I cooked up some lunch for YaYa and I. Then I did a little house cleaning. I hadn’t done much before my efforts were side-stepping in another direction. Perhaps it was the dog hair on the floors that led me outside. I soon found myself in the backyard giving Lucky (the dog) a good brushing.
One thing led to another
Just like in the book “If you give a Moose a Muffin”, one thing led to another. When I had Lucky jump up onto the bench I noticed some brown leaves on the bush behind the bench. The bush is supposed to be rectangle but had lost it’s shape. Before I knew it, I had the pruning shears in hand and was restoring the bush to it’s preferred shape. But that wasn’t enough, I looked up and noticed the annoying branch from the neighbor’s tree (the one that brings all of the honey bees – which I am allergic to). I cut back all of the branch that I could safely reach. And then I looked around some more. The lemon tree got a little attention too.
By the time I returned to the house, YaYa and his two little friends ran in screaming with enthusiasm. I emptied the dishwasher and decided that I had done enough for the day.
A good day in the books and a good rest for your foot!
I was watching the weather channel today and saw 79 degrees in El Segunda (sp?). I immediately told my husband that we were moving to CA.
I am very happy that your foot is doing better.
Sounds like you made great use of that excess energy. I’m like you when it comes to conservation…and for the same reasons: I don’t want to pull out that boot again.
I know how many times I feel the same way! I may not be an elite but still have to show restraint. I have a question about Cytomax…how do you like it? Does it work well, I mean better than Gatoraide etc. I’m looking to cut all that sugar out! Thanks in advance!