21st Century Mom’s post today continued the meme that is circulating throughout the blogs of the Running Blog Family. I just happened to be sitting on the floor, by my bookcase, when I came upon her post. After days of avoiding being tagged, I decided to voluntarily play along.
The nearest book, Daniel’s Running Formula: Proven programs 800m to marathon (2nd edition), is not necessarily a book that I have read cover to cover. In fact, I have to admit that I haven’t read very much of this book at all. Like Lore of Running, the book sitting beside it on the bookshelf, I have the book on hand for a reference should the need arise. I have a several of these type books on hand, in case I don’t like what I read on a topic and am in need of a 2nd, or 3rd opinion.
From Daniel’s Running Formula, (pages 123, sentances 6, 7, 8) reads:
“Although the duration of workbouts is important, when it comes to interval training, intensity (training pace) is even more important. This is because you can attain the difference V02 max only when running at a particular intensity. You need to understand the difference between intensity and speed of running – intensity is the key word when stressing any physiological system…Under adverse conditions, intensity is clearly the better way to identify what pace elicits V02 max – be sure to consider this when doing your interval training.”
Simply put, it isn’t the pace that you run, the effort that you are exerting is more important. If you are running up a steep hill, or against a strong headwind, you will not need to run at hyperspeed before you hit your limit. The conditions of the hill or wind provide the natural increase in intensity.