“Are you feeling righteous?” she asked with a smirk.
Having just looked to Garminia for my total moving time for today’s run, I had smiled and made a thumbs up gesture. “As a matter of fact,” I replied, “yes!”
I knew that I was having an awesome run today. In fact, I stopped to change the tunes playing on myPod from fast running music to my slow relaxing music for the downhill portion. I was afraid of coming down the hill too fast. The change in music didn’t do much towards slowing me down however; I was really moving.
But, that was the end of my run. Let’s back up a bit.
Mistakes are great – that is, when you learn from them. I made the mistake of wearing shorts during my chilly run yesterday. This day was equally as sunny, but even colder. I selected a long-sleeved shirt, my running tights, gloves and a hat to wear.
I was planning to run on the local streets, but was thrilled when Tom suggested that I run at RSA (my favorite open space preserve). I figured that if I was going to take the time to drive to the RSA, I might as well make it worth the trip. I figured that I could shoot for a 13 mile trail run to be sure that I could cover the half-marathon distance, since I *am* registered for the Kaiser Permanente Half-Marathon in a couple weeks. I dug in the closet for my fuel-belt, grabbed a GU packet, and was on my way.
As I drove towards the park, I began to wonder how long I would have to search for a parking spot – since it was so late in the morning. I was pleasantly surprised that I had a ton parking spots to choose from. I think that the freezing cold temperature had kept the people away.
Today myPod was energized, unlike yesterday where she rode piggyback not even making a peep the whole time. I was looking forward to an entertaining run. I selected the songs for today’s run that would compliment the beautiful trails that I would travel. The songs were basically musical pieces without any vocals. I could hear the birds chirping, airplanes flying overhead, people talking, and my breathing.