YaYa is bumping up against the Santa Claus question. He hasn’t come out and asked me flat out if Santa is real, so I have not given him an answer. Instead he has told me that he “had a bad day.”
“It’s the Santa thing”, he said, “some kids are saying that he isn’t real, but others are saying that he is.”
“What do you think, YaYa?”
“I think that he is real.”
“It’s more fun to believe in him.”
Well, that seemed to end the conversation. I was happy to have dodged THE question. That was yesterday; today there was more.
Apparently, there is a boy named Anthony who is invested in converting YaYa’s belief. He told YaYa to look at the writing of Santa’s labels and compare to Mom and Dad’s. YaYa had told him that the writing *was* different.
“Why do you think that Anthony cares so much whether you believe in Santa?”
I wanted to know. I don’t get it. Somebody ruined the magic for him, so he needs to do the same to someone else. But even thought Anthony thinks that he’ll feel better from it, he won’t.
“Would you be upset if you found out that he wasn’t real?”
I can’t believe that I was actually asking this question. He said, “Yes.” I didn’t ask any more questions after that one.