It was a sad morning in our house. YaYa woke up and was clearly limping. He had started limping last night when he returned from the neighbor’s house. He’d been running (with doctor permission) and I figured that it was too much – too soon. This morning I thought it would be back to normal. He said that his ankle didn’t hurt but something was not right. In addition to this, he had a stomach ache. Poor guy.
Because of the moving office, I was home from work again. The movers didn’t want the employees in their way and slowing down their work. Because of this, and it being a teacher in-service day, I had the option to take it slow. It was only after I stopped in to give his teacher some papers that he mentioned having twisted his ankle while running across the neighbor’s lawn last night.
Well, he sort of mentioned it; as soon as he said it, he tried to take it back.
“It didn’t happen”, he insisted, “I was only dreaming.”
Dreaming? He slept well, but this was certainly one BAD dream.
I wanted to believe that it had only been a bad dream. I couldn’t take the chance though. He was crying when we returned to the van instead of me dropping him off at daycare. We dropped off BoBo, and then went straight to the Orthopedics Department. I didn’t have an appointment for him and they were short handed due to some yearly conference that most of the Orthopods were attending.
But we got lucky. The PA who has been seeing him all along just happened to walking through the department when we were being told that the best option was to go to Urgent Care. She recognized YaYa and came over to see what happened.
As usual, she took good care of him. The x-ray was unremarkable, but we never could see the exact issue because it was within the growth plate. The exam, however, showed the return of the same issues as before, just not as bad. The plan is for two more weeks of resting the ankle. She offered him the option of a splint, or a new cast. He tried on the splint and didn’t like the feel. He opted for the cast.
Right now he is at daycare with a brand new Sharpie pen. I am sure that he will have a nice story for you all to read later today. Click over for his blog update.
Awww, I can’t blame him for not wanting to go back to the doctor. Another cast! Poor guy.