Look at this thing!
It’s huge and it’s scary.
YaYa says it’s Funny Looking.
This healing injury game is complicated.
My right foot does not hurt when I wear my new boot; however my left leg is starting to hurt.
Now, I need to find a shoe equally as high to balance out my legs.
My Podiatrist had called me after returning from her trip. She had told me that upon reading my MRI, and the radiology report, she was puzzled. It wasn’t consistent with the findings on her initial examination. She thought that I might have something called “cuboid syndrome” and would be ordering more x-rays to check for this.
There was a young man waiting for x-rays ahead of me who had on a leg brace and a wrapped up thumb and arm. I wondered what sort of bad luck could have put him in that situation. He told me that he was still being put back together from an automobile accident that happened a year ago.
There I was hoping for a “good” outcome for my foot, although I didn’t know what “good” would end up being. I had read up on cuboid syndrome and I wasn’t sure if it was a good outcome or not. I was a bundle of nerves. And here was this young man being put back together like a puzzle; he was counting his blessings just to be alive. I felt a little foolish making such a big deal out my running injury.
A little while later my doctor entered the exam room with x-ray films in-hand. She put them up on the viewbox, examined me and then began talking. It is not cuboid syndrome and there are not any fractured bones. Much of the terms she used to describe my running ailment is a blur because there was so much that was discussed. I *think* I got the gist of what she said was the problem though.
The foot can be divided into two columns. The medial column is comprised of the great toe and the two neighboring toes. The bones associated with these toes follow a column of bones back towards the ankle. The baby toe and its neighboring toe form the lateral column. They join up to form a separate column of bones that also lead back towards the ankle. It is in the lateral column where my problem is located.
The cuboid bone is one of the bones in the lateral column. This bone has tendons that wrap under and around the cubiod bone. My MRI showed fluid build up around these tendons and within the cubiod bone.
The treatment plan:
– 3 weeks of immobilization (with the monstrosity).
– I return to see her and we go from there.
– She said that I “should” be back running before long.
In the meantime, I have to be sure that I don’t end up like the young man in the x-ray department – or worse. Forget driving to work following my appointment – I was lucky to make it home alive. I might have to get my hands on one of the “Driver Training” signs to warn the other drivers to stay clear as I learn to manuever with my scary new boot.
Yowzer! I first saw your ‘monstrosity’ on YaYa’s blog. Do you have to wear it when you are driving? That seems a little dangerous to me.
It sort of sounds like you had a good outcome. At least ‘should be running agin soon’ sounds good. It sounds much better than ‘you have a fracture and can’t run for 3 months’, right? Right!
Yes, you are right 21CM. I believe she estimated 4-6 weeks before I am running again. She is a runner too, so our discussions on shoe inserts and/or orthotics has already begun. I need to support these bones and pad my metatarsals better when I do get back at it. I am encouraged.
Oh, and yes, I need to drive with it. It’s a different movement than I am used to using. Usually I plantarflex my foot to put on the gas, and driving was quite painful. The boot prevents this movement. I need to learn to push with my whole leg.
Cuboid syndrome? I had that in the early eighties. It’s symptoms included not being able to solve a Rubik’s Cube in less than a week.
Good luck! I’m sure you’ll be out running again before you know it. In the meantime, at least you are entertaining your children.
I remember wearing one of those for a few months after I broke my foot. They are indeed a hard fashion accessory to match.
Maybe you can get a battery and decorate it for the holidays. It won’t be on that long though.
I have two of those lovely boots. I hate the attention they draw. “What happened?” “Too much running?” On and on. Take care during your recovery. Your patience will pay off.