I asked for your comments, didn’t I?
Now, that I have them, I kind of wish that I didn’t even ask.
I realize that it is too soon to be considering my next race, but it also gives me hope.
I *need* to have hope.
I am already signed up for CIM 2007 (they rolled my entry over to next year). Because of this, I *want* to do a spring marathon. If I am not ready in spring, then I *want* to do an early summer marathon. This will space them out nicely. I realize that I will, likely, not BQ but I am okay with that.
Because I don’t plan to attack my BQ time, Big Sur is an option that I hadn’t considered. I ran Big Sur as my 3rd marathon and loved the beauty and the challenge. I had to do a lot of hill training to prepare for Hurricane Point. Since the best hills were on trails, I was off the pavement for much of my training. And I love running at the local open space preserves around my new and old houses. I could look forward to this.
Nothing will be set for a while. In the meantime, my Podiatrist called (she appoligized perfusely for the Podiatry Department not taking care of me while she was out of town for a family emergency). I see her tomorrow and will have further testing done.
Good Luck tomorrow!!!
I’m thinking of doing Big Sur as part of a marathon team relay. It’s going to be brutal. But also beautiful.