The post re-org aftershocks continue. It’s like after an earthquake when you just hold your breath and hope the worst is past. My old department is now divided into two departments with slightly different functions. By the end of November, both departments will be moving. Although, I am moving up in the world (from the 3rd to the 4th floor), I have a bit of anxiety about the move. First off, the office/cubicle assignments are on a “need to know” basis and nobody around me seems to be categorized as “needing to know.” The Mother Company apparently has a policy that only Director Level employees can have an office. So I, along with the other little folks, I am at risk of moving back to the cubicles. *sigh* So much for “moving up.”
Currently, I have an office located on the main hallway. I get a lot of people peering in as they walk by. Normally I don’t mind. Lately, however, I feel like my every move is noted.
Julie’s foot is in the ice cooler again.
Now, she’s putting on her shoes and socks.
She must be frustrated, or in pain, or something…
I think she is crying.
Besides needing to know my MRI results, this falls into the “need to know” category. Well, at least *I* think so.
What makes it worse, is that I leave my office so few times since my injury. At lunch, I don’t go running, or to the fitness center; I just sit at my desk, eat my lunch, and work (or read blogs). And even though MOST people here do the same (okay, EXCEPT for the reading blogs part), I just feel like I don’t get a moment to myself. I fear that if I end up in cubicle land again, these feelings will be far worse. I need to know, so that I can mentally prepare (or start circulating my resume). If I do end up being plopped into a cube, I sure hope that I can run (or at least walk) again to help me get my time to myself.
Sorry things are so stressful for you lately…take deep breaths…