There are times when it is nice to get away from the hustle and bustle. These are the times when running for miles without seeing another person can be enjoyable. But when you sign up for a road marathon, you don’t go into expecting lonely miles. You expect to see people out along the way offering words of encouragement and cheering you on. It really doesn’t matter that they sometimes say things like, “your almost there” when you have 7 miles to go, because you know that they mean well. These are the folks that help to keep you moving when your body is saying STOP. They are wonderful.
I have been lucky enough to have a few folks who have been there for me in my past races. I have run marathons where I get to see them along the way, others where they are only at the end, and one marathon where they were cheering from the other side of the country. Knowing that they are cheering me on makes such a difference. It is especially nice to when I can look forward to seeing them in the miles ahead.
Today was my day to give a little bit of that support back. I especially wanted to be out there for Cindy, who has lead my cheering squad on a number of occasions.
YaYa was my partner today. Together we cheered on both the runners and the walkers. We were quite the team, if I do say so myself. I rang the cowbell, while he stood on the other side of the path with his hand outstretched.
Nobody went past us without a little bit of encouragement. And of course Cindy got a hug to go with her cheering.
We also did some virtual cheering for Dori, who was running the Big Sur Half-Marathon, as well as for those folks running the Marine Corps Marathon today. For YaYa’s perspective, and the BEST of the photos, log onto his blog post. Please also leave a comment to say “Thanks” – It will mean so much to my little spectator.
What a good feeling that had to be! YaYa looked he was doing a great job!
How nice of you. One of these days I’d like to do the same. How fun being on the other side and seeing from a spectator’s perspective.
Seeing you guys was the highlight of the race for me! You have no idea how inspirational it was for me to know you guys might still be there and that I had something to look forward to when I reached the park. It kept me going. A GREAT BIG THANKYOU!
Thanks for the virtual cheering! It must have helped, because I had a great race. It was nice of you to be there for Cindy; it gives you something to look forward to when you know someone will be waiting for you at a certain place.
People who cheer, rock.