Well I managed to get into SMI, but not with the sports therapist who I usually see. The massage was good, but not a cure all. At first she had me do a few movements of my foot. I explained what caused the pain, and where the pain was. Then she got to work right away.
She worked on my calf muscles – my peroneus, gastrocnemius, and soleus. She followed the muscles down to my foot and began to work the tendons. It hurt in some areas but, surprisingly, there was nothing really excruciating. She continued working on my shin, and the finished up around my ankle. Then she was done.
As I said before, she found tight, some what more painful areas, but nothing alarming. Basically, she couldn’t find any reason why I have been limping around. No good reason any how. She just surmised that my ankle “locked up” and that this caused my foot pain. But in my head, I was wondering if I dropped out of a great race for not good reason. I was almost disappointed that she wasn’t able to find anything. Then I remembered that her not finding anything alarming was a “good” sign. Perhaps it meant that I would be able to run. Soon?
When she finished up, I jumped off the table. Ouch. It hurt still. So I hit the ice tank figuring I’d settle the muscles down.
A little later, after I came home from work, I tried going for a walk on it. I figured I’d use the track while waiting for BoBo at football. At first it hurt, but gradually the pain seemed to be going away. Or was it my imagination? I wasn’t sure. I started to move into a job. TWO steps into it and I nearly hit the ground. I limped away and began to cry.
I wish that I had seen Kris, who I usually see, because she is a runner/triathlete. She would have told me what to do and not do. She would have known that I would try to run. It was pretty stupid to even have tried. My magic massage wasn’t an instant cure. I guess it is time to switch up my training. It’s time to cross train.
I’m so sorry Juls. Hang in there.
I have been nursing a torn up shin and ankle (from overuse) for the past eight days, it can be depressing, I’ve kept up with hobbled light running. But the good news is that like most of these it is coming back to “normal” and along with that my spirits – yours will too.
Injuries are *so* frustrating. I feel angry just reading about yours. Good luck, and remember that CIM is still a long 7 1/2 weeks away.
Cross-training is a great idea. Don’t beat on yourself for dropping out of the race-it was for real. Just a thought- any chance it feels like a stress fracture? Might not hurt to have some xrays. Take care and wishing you the best.
Dang, its hard to read about your frustration. If it doesn’t get better, see if you can get in to see Kris instead. Take the time to heal and hang in there.