Help – help! I screwed up my blog format and I don’t know how to fix it. I just added the stat counter and I SWEAR that I DIDN’T delete any of the other stuff in the main index.
So why is it putting my entries below the sidebar instead of the center column?!
Movable Type users – please email if you have an idea for a fix.
I don’t know moveable type but it looks like your right margin got made huge! Also, maybe there is a tag associated with statcounter that has the same name as one of the tags in your blog template and is overriding the parameters? I’d email Mark if I were you.
oops – I meant Hip – I’d email Hip.
I would like to start a running blog too…but I have no idea how to go about it through me too!
hey juls, i got it.
the stat counter was outside the closing div tag for that sidebar and there were a couple extra closing div tags. probably not a problem before you added the code, but once it was there, it threw everything off. i corrected it and you should be good to go now.
As usual, Jeff, you are a lifesaver. Thank you so much for your support.
whats a div tag? ;-)
Movable Type has all of these templates (unlike the single one of blogger). The div tag is the part that says “” and it does something important – apparently.
Well, I missed the “Blog gone Wild” look, but I luv what you had to day about your recent rest day! Don’t fret Juls! You got it goin on, and things will work out just fine. I believe!
Oh, and I can’t spell this late at night ;-)