Eek! The 31st of July is creeping up on me. The return of official “training” has long been anticipated. With the “plan” I have been failing to thrive; I have been apathetic. I’ve long been craving the return of regimented training. At the same time, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of panic hit upon realizing that my training schedule will begin in 1 week.
I’m excited and nervous at the same time. With a single week left of doing whatever I want, many questions run through my mind.
Have I run enough?
Just how much fitness have I lost?
When will the weather be cooling down?
Just after 11 am today, I began to feel the pull to go running. I ate my yogurt – enough fuel to satisfy my hunger for a bit longer – and made my way to the fitness center. I would not brave an outside run today. Yesterday was far too miserably hot to venture outdoors when I can just run on the treadmill.
I hoped on the 1st treadmill and began my warm-up mile (9:33). Post warm-up, my pace hovered from 8:39 – 8:27 minutes/mile for the next 5 miles. After hitting mile 6, I cooled down at 9:34 for 1 final mile.
I feel better about missing yesterday’s workout. I know that I have lost a considerable amount of fitness since running Grandma’s Marathon, but I am confident that I can gain it back. I am ready to be back on a training plan again. I thrive in the regimented structure.
Being on a training program usually keeps me honest as well.
I’ll bet you haven’t lost much fitness at all. You run almost every day. You may have lost some endurance but all you have to do is run longer distances and there you have it! You will be starting training just as I am finishing and moving on to train for a metric century on the bike. But then I’ll start up again. I’m pretty sure I’m going to do the Nike 1/2 with TNT (the only way I can do it). Stay tuned.
21CM, you are kind. I have lost speed – that is for sure. The endurance will come back, but the speed has always been a challenge. I hope you will be able to run Nike.
I like programs – they do keep me honest. If I don’t have one officially, I chart it out myself and post on the fridge.
Speed should come – at least I hope so.
Loved the header picture – where is it?
Looks like everywhere around a country is 100F!
Your level of fitness sure doesn’t seem to have decreased based on this run. Nice.
8:51 min/mile pace will not get me my BQ. I need to be faster.
Thanks for the comments everyone!
I’m just starting week 2 of my 1/2 M training and it was a battle to get back into the swing of things. Last week I felt lazy but this week things are better. I hope it comes easy for you.