Have I said before that I am NOT in training right now? I am just checking because it is hard not to beat myself up for taking a day off. I didn’t really need a day off from running; my muscles aren’t sore at all from yesterday’s run. My shin, however, is tender when I point my toes. So, I am not going to point my toes anymore.
Tom took the van to meet a friend a few cities away this morning. They were going for a bicycle ride and I was going to do my running from home. Well, I didn’t.
Initially, I was getting stuff done. I vacummed the downstairs, started a few loads of laundry, emptied all the waste baskets, and managed the dishwasher unloading/loading. Then…I got on the web. I discovered a couple of new blogs, added a site meter link, and checked email. I signed up for LinkedIn (a networking website) and started inviting the people that I know to join with the hopes of keeping in contact (and possibly landing another job).
Later, I did a couple of errands. I got an iced latte and went to a furniture store only to find that the bistro table that Tom and I admired was $749. That’s the table only. The chairs were an additional $279/each. I guess we won’t be getting those chairs. I visited a couple of other furniture stores and finally found myself at Home Depot. I got a couple of items that I “thought” I needed. When I got home, I discovered that they were not exactly what we needed. So they will need to go back another time. I cooked a yummy dinner (grilled salmon, aspargus & red potatos) and then the TV went on.
Hours later, the TV is still on, I haven’t left the couch, and I am now sprouting shoots. Yes, I have become a bonafide “Couch Potato.” I am trying not to feel guilty. I will run tomorrow. After all “I am NOT in training” until July 30th.
It’s good to have a day off. Enjoy it! Good luck tommorow on your run.
a little couch potato-ing isn’t a bad thing:)
Not in training means not in training – enjoy! Besides, you get extra points for healthy eating. I think the points translate directly into hours in front of the TV – or something like that.
One day does not a couch potato make. I hope you enjoyed the day off of running, you were still certainly busy. We all deserve a day like that once in a while. Besides you’ve still got 27 days before you have to start training!