When FB & Twitter’s “social networking” craze began to boom, I thought they would be a wonderful addition to the wonderful world of blogging. Initially, there was a nice enhancement effect. The tid bits of the day which were cute or funny, but not being hearty enough to dedicate to an entire post, were shared. A few of us made a playful game of posting hints on our FB status or Twitter updates as tasty little bread crumbs enticing our readers to come looking for the rest of the story.
But somewhere along the way, everything changed, and a number of my favorite bloggers got lost. It could be just me, but it seems that people just aren’t blogging anymore.
Have we really been reduced to 140 characters or less? Don’t we have more to say than that?
I know that our lives are busy but, for me anyway, writing is an invaluable part of my life. In addition to the bond I have created with many of you, blogging helps me to carve out some “me time” and look inside for perspective. In a way, it’s like social networking with me, myself, and I.
What shows up here (or in the pages of my private journal) may only touch all which I have reflected on. It is the process that is invaluable. Moreover, when I look back in time through older entries, the unwritten comes rushing back.
One final note: I find it interesting that many of my most pointless posts to FB generate an excess of comments while the most thought out blog post gets none. Today, just for fun, I posted a nonsensical stream of random letters to FB. Within minutes, I had 4 comments. It has a way of validating a simpleton approach to life. I’m just saying.
Anyway…it’s a matter of opinion. Mine and mine alone. What’s yours?
For those of you still blogging (or reading at least), I welcome your thoughts. What value do you give blogging? Do you think social networking has had an impact on blogging? If yes, how? If no, why not?