My quest to find balance has taken me to new levels. This season, with it’s daylight deficient and chill inducing tendencies, I have found comfort in the 90+ degree hot yoga classes. After spending my work days bundled up in jackets and scarves with the space heater working overtime to warm my body, I am driven to find a way to make it to an evening class. If I cannot, for some reason, hibernation in the warmth of my bed is the next best thing.
Now, I know you are thinking, “You live in California, where it has only just started to rain. How cold can it really be?” To this I say, it is too darn cold — for me.
Yoga currently is at the forefront of my athletic activities but indeed it is not the one and only activity. I am striving for balance, you know. I have set aside Saturdays for cycling, and am carving out 2-3 days per week for running. And it feels like the perfect balance — for wintertime.