My great niece is an amazing, beautiful, courageous woman. Her recent adventures inspire me to create some of my own.
The wheels are turning. Stay tuned…
My great niece is an amazing, beautiful, courageous woman. Her recent adventures inspire me to create some of my own.
The wheels are turning. Stay tuned…
My so-called “daily photo” project is anything but daily. I shouldn’t be surprised. Ten years ago, when I last took on this exercise, the world of blogging was quite different. It was easier to create for the audience was plentiful and personable. I felt like I knew everyone who’s blog I read and who was reading my blog. There was an interaction, an exchange of ideas, opinions, encouragement. And this fueled my passion to create. Now-a-days, I am not even sure if anyone is reading at all.
Nevertheless, I persist.
I took this photo just after I desperately-needed, long-postponed chiropractic adjustment. In the initial period after my adjustment, I was not magically freed of my back pain. It lingered or persisted.
So, I went for a walk before getting back in my car to head home. The movement, as it usually does, helped me find some separation from the discomfort. I took in my surroundings and counted my blessings as went.
The photo doesn’t do it justice but this ordinary bush looked really pretty as the light hit it just so.
If you are anything like me, you often notice how quickly time seems to pass. It’s one thing to wake at 4:30 am, fall back to sleep, then wake again at 6:45 am (too late to make it to the yoga studio for the led practice). But, that’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about how quickly the calendar flips pages, even when the days sometimes seem to drag on.
How does this happen?
One wonders if we are sleeping through the days, unconscious to time passing. And what would be the solution – if there was one?
Personally, I think that a solution may lie in pausing to appreciate the moments along the way. Take the time to leave the office at lunch. Go outside and let the sun shine on your face and in your eyes. Listen to the sound of of the gravel moving under your feet as you walk. Kick a fallen pine cone or stone, and admire the flowers.
For me, this helps.
Although I have not been as good as I had hoped in my 20/20 Daily Photo Project, I do notice that the project does encourage me to open my eyes more and notice my surroundings. To be frank, I have actually been taking more photos than I have posted. I just haven’t been happy with the content and quality of my efforts. My old laptop which had my photo editing software on it died and I cannot find the serial number to reinstall on my newer Mac. The Apple iPhoto edits do not impress me in the least and leave me a little unenthusiastic about the photos.
But, I will continue my efforts, even if nobody but me sees the result. It’s more for me than anyone else.
Are these spirals or circles? From here, it is hard to tell.
Spirals are thought to symbolize things which have been hidden, slowly coming into view. Growth and evolution. Maybe even experiencing some experience in life again – but with new understanding.