Over the past few days, the news has been saturated with protest and violence. It’s really frightening but I hope that things will settle down so that the country can find some peace.
In the meantime, the day has come to honor the veterans who have served our country. This morning, I heard that one of the biggest Veteran’s Day parades was to be held downtown. My first thought was that I hoped that none of the folks actively protesting the presidential election would ruin this event for our veterans. I think that would truly be a shame for these men and women deserve to be honored.
Not only have these veterans sacrificed years of their lives being away from loved ones, putting off college and career development, among other things, but many of these veterans also suffer from mental health issues as a direct result of what they have been exposed to during their time of service. A recent study covering the period of time from 1999 to 2010 revealed that roughly 22 veterans were committing suicide per day.
That’s staggering!
I hope that if you come in contact with one of our vets, that you will be gracious and kind.
And thank them for their service — today and everyday.