A week ago, I was gnawing on my fingernails as YaYa sat for final exams to close out his freshman year of high school. His preparation included 4 hours of additional tutoring focused on the exam material for Algebra, English, and Science. He ran through a bit more of his English quizzing with me but the remainder of the studies sat with him. Although I offered many times, he did not take me up on my suggestion to run through the Science material.
And in the end, he passed…but NOT with flying colors by any means.
We are told that we should expect things to step up in intensity in the Sophomore year. Apparently, if he gets through that, he will do well from there on out.
Well done, both of you! I have no doubt he is on his way to success. Also nice to not chase homework for a couple of months…
Ah- the fun years! :-) Can’t believe he is in High School. Amazing…
Wow Julie. It’s hard to believe. Do you remember when our boys played little league baseball? Time has gone by so fast. My youngest just graduated from HS. It seems like just yesterday….
Not playing together. I mean, our sons are close in age. They were always doing the same sports.