This morning, I opted to linger in bed a few minutes longer in lieu of my daily meditation. Telling myself that my ashtanga practice would be serve my meditation needs, I honestly thought it wouldn’t matter. So I sat in bed, sipping my espresso while theMAN sat on his tuffet (zaffu cushion) meditating.
Before long, I was showered, dressed, and eating. I gathered up clothes for work and packed my lunch for the day: chores I should have done last night. I felt somewhat skilled for managing to pull it all together with a few minutes to spare. I said goodbye to theMAN who was now doing something other than meditation in the office space that adjoins my bedroom. No response. I said it again and waited. Nothing.
I peaked in to see what he was doing that prevented him from saying goodbye. It was unlike him. He was in the middle of his morning pushups. “Oh-kay.” I murmured, as I walked away. I was a little put off that he couldn’t even say goodbye to me. He stopped his pushups and came over to kiss me goodbye. I could tell his was puzzled by my impatience and then realized that he didn’t even hear me.
I left, went to yoga, and then to work – not giving it another thought.
Then I glanced over to my desk phone to check the time. Upon seeing the day of the week, I realized that I would not be seeing theMAN until after the weekend. *sniffle*
We are always reminded to be present to the moment. This is because when we linger in the past OR get stuck imagining the future, we miss the moment at hand. Fortunately for me, I could still make plans to meet up for a more satisfying goodbye, but what if this had not been possible?
The experience, although not tragic, makes me wonder what else I miss out on when I choose to skip my morning meditation or simply let my mind wonder to-and-fro.
What might you be missing out on? It may not be a juicy kiss or warm embrace. Maybe it’s your baby taking their first steps or being attuned to a car cutting you off on the freeway. Perhaps it’s just noticing that the pain in your left hip has dissipated. Whatever it is… don’t miss it.
Nice message, makes me appreciate those precious moments.
Nice Julie!…I was organizing my Chrome bar and was moving your blog to “Family & Friends” and thought to click it…what a nice surprise!