Yesterday’s long run was full of lessons learned — either by means of exploration/self-discovery or from letting others dictate your path (so to speak). It’s all good. These are multi-faceted life lessons which transcend the world of running and apply to the many areas of my life. They remind me that only I know my path and, unless I speak up, others will not know they are taking me off course.
I knew going past a certain point on the trail was too far and, therefore, too risky. My running legs are still very tenuous and finicky and I need to be careful not to over due it. But I got caught up in the excitement of a fabulous running adventure. Instead of turning back earlier and saving the undiscovered for future runs, I agreed to run just a bit further on. And all was well for a long while until suddenly it wasn’t. That was 6 miles out from where the car was parked. Fortunately, it was a beautiful day for a long walk.
Today, I’m taking it easy. A morning yoga class helps to stretch the areas that need stretching and strengthen those that need strengthening. And in the process, my spirit gets a nice “hello” too.
learning new stuff is the spice of life :-) stay young!