After a rather sleepless night, thanks to a continual flow of think mucous running down my throat, I stayed home from work. My thought was that I would catch up on the much needed rest. Well, guess what?
I went out to the garage to change the bulb in the garage door opener — while it was on my mind. Somehow, I ended up in the boxes — sorting the contents into two piles (donation vs. garbage). By the time I was done, I’d filled the recycle & garbage bins, and had fully loaded my little car with books to be donated. Curbside was a large office cabinet clearly marked with a fluorescent pink “free” sign.
…and then I patched a hole in my wall and deep crevice in my ceiling with wall spackle.
[long sigh…cough]
Clearly, I should have gone to the office if I wanted to rest because staying home did no such thing.
Jon (was) in Michigan says
For me, clearing out the garage would give me enough mental rest, that it would be worth the lack of physical rest. I dream of the day my garage is not filled to the ceiling with boxes from my move to NY (4 1/2 years ago!).
Wes says
hate mucous. get better soon!