Barefootin’ has really taken off. It’s no wonder. Have you tried on a pair of Vibrams (VFF) yet? They are wonderfully FUN.
I have the Treks (different from the VFF pictured above) and I’m seriously loving them. In fact, I’m enjoying running in them so much that I hate running in my shoes. When ever I wear shoes, my legs feel heavy. My suspicion tells me that this is the product of more than the difference in the weight of the footwear. I believe that it has more to do with the rigidity of the shoe preventing my foot from contributing to the run.
So recently, I’ve been entertaining a crazy notion. I have been toying with the idea of wearing my VFF for my next marathon. Unfortunately, my long run mileage has already reached 16 miles while I’ve only run 8 miles in my VFF. I’m not sure how to rectify this and keep on schedule. Do I build my mileage by wearing my VFF for the first 10 or so miles and then change into my shoes or visa verse?
If anyone out there has been in my predicament, please share your experience with me. I’d greatly appreciate it.
Yay for VFF! That’s SO awesome you’re considering a marathon in them. Go you!! Erring on the cautious side is probably a good idea…that’s the kind of risk that could end up with a fairly serious injury. BUT, risks keep life fun & it sounds like you’re really getting into a good groove with them. Maybe check out some of the barefoot running sites? They might have advice on stepping into a marathon with VFF or at least get you pointed in the right direction. Maybe the VFF will help you make the Boston qualification?? :)