My mind went into a tailspin tonight. I’m sure that’s no surprise to those who’ve been following me for any amount of time. I do that…OFTEN.
These occurrences are no big deal when my thoughts spin self-contained within my own head. But when they break free, that is a whole other deal. That is when I hear words coming out of my mouth that I haven’t committed to yet. Words without ownership…only out of MY mouth and therefore mine to own.
Just as I am sure that I am not the only one who entertains thoughts other than running during a long, or even short run, I am pretty sure that one or two of you might have had an open-mouth-insert-foot moment from time to time. I’d love to hear about it.
Do tell…
LOL… I innocent… but evidently, your blog thinks I’m spamming you :-)
Wes: you are anything but innocent!