Last night, just when I was preparing to celebrate YaYa FINALLY completing of his homework at a reasonable hour, he handed me a piece of paper. You know the kind: the sort that your child would prefer you just sign and not actually read.
The slip was notifying me that YaYa was now assigned to Homework Intervention. This action, was because he has collected SIX homework notices this trimester. While I was quite annoyed with school policy (for this year’s homework load has been phenomenally difficult to manage), I laid into YaYa anyway.
For starters, his 13 pocket portfolio was a shameful mess. It has been for a while. And although it was ripping from the seams, it was still possible to sort the papers by subject and place them inside so that they were not getting damaged.
Leaving YaYa to pull every paper from his portfolio and organize them all, I left in a huff to purchase a new and improved portfolio (one that didn’t have flowers on it — as was the only ones I’d seen so far). When I returned, we labeled the pockets, filed the papers, and I signed the paper.
I should probably re-read it to be sure that I am living up to my part of the intervention.
I MUST ALSO IMPROVE ORGANIZATION! Maybe then my countertop would not be littered with mail, I would realize that items need my follow up before the last possible day to do so, and I would not feel so overwhelmed with life.
And yet…I have to hand it to both YaYa and myself for, although we struggle to keep up with the demands, we do not give up. With a little intervention, we’ll get there yet.
I just did a homework intervention with my son the College Freshman. I’m afraid to inform you that it never ends!
My wife could use a little homework intervention, but I would never say that to her – she might suggest I cook and clean so she has time to organize her corner ;-)