On Friday, YaYa and I flew to Southern California to visit BoBo and DD. The trip, being only three days, was way too short. Nonetheless, it was good to see the big boys again. I sure have missed them.
Towering above me, BoBo, who is now 17 years old, appears to have sprouted up another 2-3 inches. He will soon be as tall as Tom was. He’s buffed up as well and is strikingly handsome. Of course I am far from neutral, being his mother. DD’s good looks go without saying. Although I am not his birth mother, I am probably less than neutral on this point as well.
The visit itself was as relaxing and low-key as it gets. We hung out a bit at DD and Tash’s new place, played a few games of Oh Hell and Go Fish, then picked up some sandwiches to take with us the dog park. While their dog wandered around, we ate up. Then we began working off a few of the consumed calories. First, BoBo raced the dog to Tash. Then YaYa and BoBo raced with the dog. And soon, we were all taking turns racing each other. Needless to say, I got my butt kicked over and over. Even YaYa can beat me now.
Our weekend also contained a gathering at Tom’s niece’s home where a large helping of the extended Family F came out to visit. We ate, caught up on everyone’s lives, and even sang songs — like Old McDonald — with the grand niece.
As far as exercise goes, the dog park sprints was the extent of my running. Apparently, there have been more than a few coyote sightings in the Hollywood hills recently. In fact, DD chased away a few who were stocking a lady walking her dog just a few houses down the street on Friday night. The coyotes have been eating the dogs right off their owner’s leashes, and Tash was recently cornered by 6-7 of them. This was not something that I was interested in experiencing firsthand.
In a flash, it was all over and were were back on a plane flying home. I loved having my family all together, and it was really hard to go but I must keep the priority as BoBo’s future. I am not as worried about wild coyotes getting him, as I am about wild teens getting to him.
Both boys are turning into quite handsome men. Glad the reunion went so well, coyotes and all. They are everywhere here too because I live next to a huge preserve.