So…YaYa still believes in Santa.
He’s 10 years old.
And I he truly does believe.
On Tuesday night, we were visiting the neighbors in the old ‘hood. While we were marveling at how fast the year has passed, and commenting on how close we now are to Christmas, YaYa shared his thoughts on Santa Claus.
YaYa: “Santa dunks his cookies! Did you know that?”
Neighbor: “What?”
YaYa: “Santa…He dunks his cookies…in the milk”
Neighbor: “Really?” Her eyes just about popping out of her face.
YaYa [confidently]: ”He does.”
Neighbor: “How do you know this?”
YaYa: “Last year, I came downstairs and found all the crumbs in the milk.”
Neighbor: Smiling, glanced in my direction.
Me: *sheepish grin*
Just so you know, dunking the cookies in the milk was NOT my doing. That would be my oldest son’s idea. Cookie dunking actually grosses me out. Leaving carrots for the reindeer IS my doing. ‘cuz they have a long night too. And I seriously don’t know how long this believing in Santa thing is going to last. On one hand, I am ready for it to be done. On the other, I imagine that he will be crushed and feel so betrayed. And I am NOT looking forward to the conversation that follows that discovery.
My YaYa, who still believes in magic, is a lot like his mother.…and I could just hug him forever.
In this high tech world we live in, it’s great that YaYa still believes in Santa. I wish we could hang onto that kind of innocence for a long time.
Wait. What? what are you saying about Santa…..
I’m not (saying anything at all).
Okay..for a minute I was a little worried..there have been some nasty rumors circulating….