My body is trying to roll with the punches, go with the flow, adjust and recover from my late night of watching our local football team get creamated and then wait until 11 pm for the train to take us home. It’s 10:40 am and my body is still waking up.
I haven’t been eager to get out for today’s run. Yesterday’s run (8 miles) felt awful. I hoping that my body will do better with the lower heartrate (that’s how the BETA blockers lower blood pressure).
I’m now dressed in my running apparal. My cytomax is mixed up. Now, I just have to generate a little more enthusiasm and courage to get out there.
Please send me good vibes for a safe run. Technically, I’m already tapering. It’s only 18 miles. Yippee!
21stCenturyMom says
18 miles = a taper run? oooph!
Be safe out there and listen to your body.
Javamom says
I hope it was a great run!!