With my interview ending at 5:00 pm, I got a change to experience the traffic first hand (accident and all). It took me 40 minutes to get home.
As soon as I got home, YaYa and BoBo piled into the car. We drove straight to YaYa’s school to check the office window for his class assignment. After identifying the teacher, we went to find the room. Then we went to dinner.
When I was a kid my best friend, Cindy, and I would find our classrooms together on the day before school. It always helped add to the excitement of another school year and ease the stress of getting lost. It was only natural for me to make the class list review and searching out classrooms a tradition. At the end of my interview I had messages from YaYa asking when we were going. BoBo even asked for me to help him find his classrooms but, when he saw lingering football players at the school, he changed his mind.
Going out to dinner, however, was always Tom’s doing. He had a way of making a big deal out every transition. Whether it was the last day of summer vacation or the last day of the school year, Tom always wanted to make it special. So when BoBo asked if we could go out to dinner, without saying why, I quickly said yes.
But it was at dinner that BoBo mentioned being more aware that his Dad was missing. Then, as I was tucking YaYa in for bed, YaYa began crying that he missed his Dad. *sniff* It’s the beginning of a lifetime of happy events which will be overshadowed with a bit of sadness for the loss that we continue to bear.
You’ll always remember but I think that in time it won’t always be as hard. That’s my wish for you and your boys, anyhow.
It’s a great tradition that will endure despite being tinged with the void reminder. Hope your interview went well.
That just breaks my heat.
Time really does heal the wounds. The dinner out is a wonderful tradition and I also hope (for you and your sons) that it will become a happy reminder.
By keeping some of his traditions alive, you are honoring Tom in a wonderful way.
It is funny that you post this. Just this weekend I was thinking about you and it led to me thinking of another friend who lost her husband about 2 months before Kruex passed. I was wondering how she was doing with the school year starting back up and thinking I need to call her. I need to stop with all the thinking and start with more of the doing. Thanks for the reminder.
what a great tradition tom started.