I sat in the auditorium, listening to the news of how our little company would be affected by the recent plans to “restructure.” It was worse than I had imagined.
Our site will be shut down by the end of 2007. Six hundred (out of 740) positions would be “reduced.” The remaining folks will have to relocate.
I took my envelope and, rather than open it with everyone else, I escaped to my office to get the news in private. I felt like Charlie, only there wasn’t any Golden Tickets to be had.
I slowly lifted the edge of the envelope open to expose the white paper and took a deep breath. I considered putting off opening the letter until after my lunch break, and removed the letter to reveal my future.
Dear Julie:
This letter will serve as official notice…
you will be permanently laid off (employment terminated) on December 28, 2007…
It was not the golden ticket that I hoped for, but I wasn’t surprised. My mood has been fluctuating from optimism to dread all day. I want to make the best out of this and I have five months to do it.
That totally sucks! Was this a job you really like?
I’d offer to hire you, but Susan and I are only going to make about $200 this month. I don’t think you could support your family on that!
That totally sucks, Julie! :(
I hope they gave you some severance pay.
Sorry you got socked with this.
OK, lets find some good, ….you have five months to get that next / better job, and 2008 coming soon is now guarenteed to be a better year than this one. Keep your pace looking forward it’ll be OK.
Sounds like a bootstrap letter. Ya know. You have to pull yourself up by your boot straps and kick some ass… We’ll be thinkin about ya Juls.
I am so sorry to hear this. My heart goes out to you. I hope this means that there is something better on your horizon, even if you don’t know what it is yet.
hang in there Julie — thinking of you all.
Oh no!! I am so sorry.
Not great news at all. At least you’ve got some time to move forward and I’m certain that something good will come through.
Those dirty bastards – Are they giving you some time on full pay after layoff? There is a law in California about that. They may have gotten around it by bringing down the ax so far in advance but do ask around. It may be that you have 7 months on full pay.
At least you have plenty of time to find something else and who knows? It could be great! I’m not going to dish up that old thing about windows closing and doors opening but it does happen.
Mostly I wish you didn’t have to cope with yet one more low blow. Having survived the dot com bust I do have some good job hunting tips. Let’s talk.
There has to be a better job with more pay waiting for you! We have to think positive through this. I am sorry…:<(
Oh, Juls, that’s the pits. What is your field? Seems like something to do with computers. Start the job search now and leave them as soon as you can! Good luck and keep us posted.
I read a quote I really liked not very long ago and it seems appropriate…
It is a twist on the saying “God doesn’t give us more than we can handle”. This one is “God helps us handle what we are given”.
I believe it is so true. We just really need to listen and pay attention to the tools/people that are put into our path and through doing so will be able to find our way.
That said, it is still just not fair (which we know all too well doesn’t make a damn bit of difference). Anytime you need to talk, you know where I am.
So sorry to read about this. It’s hard now, but…
I went through a RIF two years ago. This is what I was told by a friend:
“Everyone I know who has gone through this, has ended up in a better place in their life afterwards.”
It turned out to be the case with myself as well. It was a tremendous opportunity to set some new directions in my life, new goals. It got me out of a work environment I was no longer enjoying.
Keep pace. Fight the good fight — for yourself, and for your kids.
I just can’t believe it. At the very least you have “time”. Time to look around; time to mentally adjust; time to get things in order.
Like others have mentioned, I went through this too. It turned out to be for the best.
yikes. I’m sorry :( But at least in a way your were kind of expecting this – and you have some time to start looking…
This sucks but I agree in finding the good – you have some time. You at least know exactly what is happening and when, no more limbo. You have time to try to plan and find something bigger, better, more fun, at worst, new.
I never remember to think this, but always say it, that these kinds of things happen for a reason. Good luck!
Well. Crud. Maybe now you can train to win the Marathon…..you can be Juls, Marathon Mom she who supports family with her feet.
Hang in there.
This extended release capsule is a hard one to swallow and has a very long half life. It will take some time but remember I’m on the train with you and we will get to the Chocolate Factory- where life will be sweeter.
oh, Juls, what a lousy hand to be dealt. But, I like your attitude of looking at it like a Golden Ticket — it’s a chance for a fresh start, and maybe a new direction. I’ll be sending good jou-jou in your direction in the meanwhile.
wow, am i behind. i’m so sorry! i hope you get severance and unemployment and a better job.