Coach asked me to run my 800s in 3:30-3:35 each. It was a miss all the way around, but at least I was consistent.
Here is the interval times I achieved:
800m – 3:43
800m – 3:41
800m – 3:48
800m – 3:48
G0d only knows what is behind my inability to hit the target pace and live up to the expectations for today. Perhaps Coach is over estimating my abilities. It is likely that I *am* capable of hitting the target pace with adequate sleep (which I have NOT been getting), and a little fuel in my gas tank.
Not being able to hit the target pace was just another symptom of the sucky few days that I have been having. Regardless, I did my best and I’ll try just as hard next time. Nobody said that Boston Qualification was going to be easy. With about three months until race day, I have a lot of hard work to put in.
Great job getting the intervals done. Your times don’t look that off to me…
Jmom (I have a new blog)
You are doing great. You’ll hit those 3:30’s. Juls is Boston bound.
You are probably right about the no sleep thing. My best prescription for sleep aid is running. I’m no doctor though and I’m sure it is not just that easy.
Take care of you,
Keep doing your best and everything will work out. You are amazing in all that you do!
Being consistent is just as important as the time. You did great. A sucky week can make for a sucky run.
Good times on the splits. You’ll get it.
Looks good to me but if you were going for 3:30s then maybe you didn’t like it? Hey- we have good workout days when we perform like Superwoman and we have bad workout days when we just can’t hit the mark. It’s okay – there are always good days to come and even on our worst days we are still out there keeping our muscles on their proteinaceous toes.
I actually thought (hoped) that my window was wider than the 5 seconds. I was shooting for 3:30 – 3:45 but just couldn’t get there.
I did wonder if having to run in the 4th lane out made a difference. These little things, like “seconds,” count for a lot with such a small target.
AND if I needed to add to my list of excuses, I would point out that
– there were too many walkers in my way
– also soccer balls rolling out on track all too often.
But they’re just excuses…right?
The 3:30-3:35 800 meter split times look a bit fast if you’re trying to hit a 3:45 marathon time, according to the pace chart my coach drew up. They seem to be more in tune for a 3:35-3:40 marathon goal time. But I’m sure there is leeway in all of this figuring …