The pattern of fun and relaxation continues. Today we joined Mike and Janice’s friends for a Hawaiian style picnic on the beach. SPAM mu-su-be was the favorite food of the daytime. Although there isn’t much that can be compared to Janice’s evening delights. Our taste buds have been on a vacation along with us.
BoBo and YaYa surfed and boogie boarded. The newest fad, apparently, is to stand on the surf board and row out to sea. BoBo did pretty well with this as is the case for most things that he tries. Both boys fished for the first time and YaYa really took to fishing.
I decided to try running on the beach. I made my way along the shoreline and quickly found that rocks were blocking me from continuing on. My feet are not ones to tolerate these tough surfaces. I turned around and ran in the other direction. The beach didn’t go very far in this direction either. So….I ran back and forth many, many, many times.
The pace for my beach run was less than impressive. I tried to pick up the pace, but I just couldn’t do it. I also had to stop several times for water and to cool off in the ocean.
It sure is tough being on vacation. *giggle*
Back at the house, we helped Mike do a little gardening. This was great because we found another couple of cameleons.
Fireworks and s’mores followed dinner.
The run sounds awesome. I would love to run on the beach!