The boys and I had to wing it for the first time today. Mike and Janice were away at work all day. Lucky for us, they left us the keys to Jake’s SUV. With maps in hand, I quickly learned to operate the strange vehicle and navigate the hills. We didn’t get too lost. In fact getting lost was a blessing as it allowed me to get my only latte of the week.
I gave into the request to visit the mall. My primary reason for caving into BoBo’s request was due to the fact that the only suit that I packed was one that never fit quite right. I had my own shopping plans and I didn’t want to pay the tourist shop rates.
There would be no run today compliments of my total body workout from yoga. We bought a few things before taking in the movie Ratatouille. Then we found the beach for about an hour of fun in the waves.
On the way home, YaYa laid down on the seat. Was he car sick? I wondered. Then a couple of hours later he complained of a stomach ache, headache and “funny breathing.” His temperature was 103.2 degrees about 30 minutes after taking some advil. So Janice and I skipped dinner and drove him down the hill to the after hours clinic.
Was YaYa okay? Your entries are great – sounds like a wonderful and relaxing vacation (except for the Mom from Hell). I bet the boys really enjoyed it – and all the attention from their Uncle.
Oh no! I can’t believe he got a fever on vacation!