It’s Wednesday night and I am getting along okay. I guess you could say that I am over the hump. I booked up my evenings this week so much that I have hardly been home at all. I am able to do a few things that I couldn’t normally do like have dinner with friends and family.
While the meet ups have kept my occupied, the distraction hasn’t worked as smoothly as I had hoped. One pitfall is that th act of booking up my free time has left me exhausted. Additionally, my painful moments have been pushed back into my morning commutes (rather than late evening). Since I hate showing up to work with red, swollen eyes, I’ve decided that I need a solution.
I’ve decided to leave tonight open for some bonding time with Lucky and the 3+ loads of clean laundry that are now badly wrinkled.
Sounds like a good plan. Hope you get the laundry caught up…we have the same problem!