I have decided that I am being sabotaged. While I would like to be able to identify the culprit as someone other than myself, I cannot. It would be a lie to tell you that someone has been stealing my running shoes, locking me in my home, or force feeding me chocolate.
I am a passive player, watching from outside of my body, as I reach for another piece of dark chocolate. I climb into my body to enjoy the magic as it melts on my tongue and wakens my body. Then I reach for another knowing full well that one is enough, two is too much, and three is unheard of.
In the morning I remain in my bed knowing that my 12-14 mile run awaits. I listen to the voice in my head that tells me to give up. “Why bother,” says Ms. Negativity. I ignore the voice that opposes her.
It is true that I have lacked motivation, that I haven’t been telling myself that I have what it takes to get my BQ in Chicago (or even CIM). Yet, I know that if I just keep at it, my body will be ready when my mind finally comes around.
Of course my body won’t be ready if I don’t change a few things. I don’t want to diet again. That got me no where. I do need to eat better. I also need to incorporate some strength training into my week. Unfortunately the jump roping in the Circuit Training class that I have been attending has flared up my peroneal tendonitis (or plantar fasciitis) in my left foot, with an accompanying ankle and knee soreness.
I’ve been wearing my night splint for about a week now, waking up to ankle rotations, icing, and have added stretching throughout the day. While it seems to be keeping things at bay, it is a lot easier to delay or skip my runs.
When I think about the re-occurring injury (now on the other side), I have to ask myself if I can ramp up like I need to in order to BQ. It is very mild, almost not worth mentioning, but overuse injuries are caused by “over use.” I imagine that I could see an increase in severity the more I do.
It’s a little premature to change my plan. Time will tell whether this all is from the jump roping (which I have stopped) or from running. When I last wrote about having difficulty finding the time to run, Coach called me to discuss my goals. He was reasonable, and wanted to help. Somehow hearing him offer to adjust the plan to delay my BQ attempt set off panic and more loss for me. It’s still too early to know what will happen in the coming months. I don’t want to put it off just yet.
While I do want to BQ, I do not want it at any cost. I look back to the hardship of not able to run after being injured (last October). I was miserable. I know that I need my running now more than ever. I will proceed with caution.
I cannot sabotage my goals or running by running when I shouldn’t, or by filling my body with poisen in the form of negativity or poor food choices. I CAN ignore Ms. Negativity when she says, “Why bother” and keep reminding myself that I CAN achieve great things. I can even achieve my BQ; chasing the dream is worth bothering. So I’ll do it anyway and get out there later today and RUN.
you’re aware; that’s fantastic. you know you want to make different choices; that’s awesome. you can and you will.
I can so relate!
I can picture what Tom would do at a time like this. He’d look up quizzically, pause for a beat or two, and then drop some wry one-liner that would – in a witty but gentle way – remind you that you *do* want to do this and *you* are the only one who *can* do it. And then he’d grin that grin that let’s you know that even though he says it’s your gig, this is one of his ways of helping you get through the times when you don’t want to continue.
Two is too much and three is unheard of? What are you TALKING about? That’s crazy!!
You aren’t being sabotaged, you’ve been taken over by the body snatchers!
Now go eat your dark chocolate, like you are supposed to, and then go run.
Doubt is just part of doing something that’s truly worth doing. In your life you’ve already accomplished so much this is just another, years from now it will be something else; you can do it.
As far as chocolate, that’s my remedy when I’m down too so I can relate. However, I figure if that’s as bad as it get’s who cares, eat & don’t feel guilt, it too will pass. Love you!!!
1 piece of dark chocolate a day is good for you. More than that – not so good so enjoy that one!
You are doing a brilliant job of battling against sadness and inertia. You are winning. You keep fighting and I’ll keep cheering you on. Deal?
I agree with 21st Century Mom, you keep fighting and we will keep cheering.
Way to stay in touch with your body. Listen to what it needs.
If three is unheard of, then I’m just flat out out of control. We’ve got those little Hershey’s miniatures two cubes away at work, constantly refilled. Who could resist?
I hope your RUN was a good one>
Hang in there Julie!!! You have been such an inspiration and trooper!! It is great you are listening to your body (and ignoring Ms. Negativity…I too have a hard time with that one!) and it is true, running is better than mending an ailment. You will do what your body will let you do and you will be smart! Either way, you WILL be doing something!! We Love you!!! Linda
just never forget that YOU’RE the BEST.
I feel you on this post! You’ve reminded me that I can do it, and I’m glad you know you can do.
Chase that dream, baby!