While downing a few handfuls of cherries, I did a tiny bit of blog reading. YaYa was upstairs changing for his performance – a song and dance performance that each class takes part in. In the microwave was a corn dog that, I hoped, would hold him over until the actual dinner.
I clicked over to my friend’s blog and began reading her race report on her most recent triathlon. While reading, I kept thinking about how Cindy has always offered so much pre-race cheer to me for my races. How could I let her go off and do such a difficult race without so much as a phone call? Some friend.
At a minimum, I am urging you to click over to read her report and cheer her on as she heads off to her main event. In a short 34 days, Cindy will be off to compete in Ironman Coeur d’Alene!
I was half way through Cindy’s report when YaYa came downstairs. He told me to close my eyes. When I opened them, he was standing before me with a maroon, white and navy striped shirt and flaming red sweatpants. It clashed in the loudest way. “Don’t I look nice, Mom?” he asked with a wide grin. I smiled, gave him an encouraging hug, and fed him an over cooked corn dog.
Our tummies were happy as we left the house and arrived at the school just in time for me to secure a seat at the back of the auditorium. I watched as each class took the stage, half singing along to the music and song and fumbling through the dances. The kids were so cute.
Finally, the last class took the stage. YaYa, proudly wearing his shades of red, took a prominant spot at the left edge of the stage. He danced along to the music and I laughed with delight to see him up there. With his cast waving about, his awkwardness was the perfect outcome. I couldn’t be prouder.
With my arm around my stage star, we headed off to the baseball field for BoBo. Then we went home for the real dinner and so that I could finish reading about Cindy’s adventure.
Real friends know :-) Isn’t it great all the triathletes gearing up for this season. It’s exciting. Woo hoo!! I think YaYa has some of my genes. I’m fashion AND color impaired :-)
Sounds like a wonderful afternoon.
Kids are goofy. It’s amazing to me how early my kids personalities show through…My older is serious and studies everything but is hilarious. My younger one is willful and determined to do it all but also funny. I can’t wait till they’re older…
Hello! This is very interesting site.
Good luck.
Hello btwrln:
Since you didn’t leave a valid email or blog site, I cannot contact you. I just wanted to say thank you for commenting.
~ Juls
I carry the warmth of my friendships with me wherever I go, and whatever I do … Everyone is busy these days … don’t EVEN think that you weren’t supporting me – you were there in spirit! Believe me, I called on all the positive images I could during this event – and of course, Julie – your determination, dedication, and hard word were/are always an inspiration!
p.s. Love the new banner! Good job Runner Susan.
Ever think of doing an IM?
I’ve been toying with idea, nly problem is I’m not a strong swimmer.
Your little YaYa is not shy, is he? I like your new header, and I like the header you made for YaYa.
If you need a flat and fast marathon to BQ, consider running Fargo next year. It’s not too crowded or expensive. But with your recent PR, you’ll probably qualify for Boston this year!