With my first day back to work inching up on me, I took in another one of BoBo’s baseball games. Today’s game was against the school that BoBo would have attended had we not moved when he was in 7th grade. The kids on the opposing JV team were the kids that BoBo played Little League with.
Of course BoBo talked smack to them all week long. He taunted them until…they brought down the four sophmores from the Varsity team to play against us.
Still, BoBo was in all his glory as the stands filled. Their were cheers for him coming from both sides of the field. The boys is well liked even if he talks the talk. We did get killed, but we enjoyed a great game just the same.
Is that an a picture of Conor? And did you take it? If so – it’s great!
I think it’s great that he had a good time with it, and that you got to go.
I didn’t take it. We have a professional photographer that comes to many of the HS games (all sports).
Excellent shot! I’m glad you game was fun and that it was yesterday and not today!
Who’s that beautiful guy? haha.
That is a great picture.
Don’t know for sure if you’ve made it back to work. I hope the transition back went well. (I’ll keep reading to find out)
That is a great picture.
Don’t know for sure if you’ve made it back to work. I hope the transition back went well. (I’ll keep reading to find out)