I had plans to rise early and hit the pavement for a 10 mile run. When the sun came up, I was captivated by a dream instead.
In my dream, Tom was up and walking. He stumbled around and before long we were in a car with YaYa driving. Tom was giving YaYa directions; it was if he was teaching YaYa to drive. Upon arriving at the intended destination, I waited outside of the university as Tom went inside to take care of business. Nervously, I looked around, hoping that nobody I knew would see me there with my supposedly dead husband. I must be crazy because here he was walking and talking and yet, I had a funeral for him. How embarrassing.
After Tom’s business was completed, I pushed him home in a wheelchair. On the sidewalk before the house, a purse was just lying there. Tom found interest in a pewter watch. He examined it carefully and then returned it to the bag.
We continued a few more houses and I settled him in the bedroom that I grew up in. I was rummaging through a box marked medicines, only to find batteries and other electronic trinkets. “Julie,” Tom said. My gaze moved from the box, to his eyes, to his mouth. “I l-o-v-e YOU.”
My attention was being pulled from my dream as YaYa began to stir in the bed beside me. “Please, don’t wake up now YaYa,” I thought. I tried to keep focused on the dream.
From in the kitchen, where I was breaking curtains that hung from the middle of the room, I heard a package drop on the front step. I opened the door to find a package from my big sister. Inside were a few 8×10 photos. The package was marked “photos: hand stamp only” but inside the pictures were folded in half.
Then I heard a knock on the door that leads from the house to the garage. It was our friend, John F. I let him inside and we walked down the hall as I said, “You are NOT going to believe what I am going to show you.” I opened the door to the bedroom. John looked at Tom and then back to me. He smiled and then went to lie down next to Tom in the bed. They giggled like young boys opening their Easter baskets…then Tom turned toward John and bit off his beard as if John was merely a marshmallow rabbit.
I was diverted from my dream as YaYa said, “Hi Mom.” Huh? After a short conversation, I tried to return to the dream but there was no going back to world where Tom rose from the dead, and told me that he loved me, and later was a young boy again delighting in his Easter treasures.
Have you been eating chocolate before bedtime? Sorry, I just had to say that. I think Tom’s humor is playing on you. God bless you, Julie…
That’s an amazing dream. So many elements including Tom watching over YaYa and imparting his wisdom, a sense of time or timelessness and an I Love You. Nice.
Wow, what a great and interesting dream….not sure about biting off the beard but then you know you must be dreaming and Tom must be talking to you and giving you interesting topics to keep “everyone’s” interest…it is great you documented it!!