The schedule has been busy these days. I am always on the go from the moment my feet hit the floor to well into the evening. If I am able to pick up my laptop for some “me” time it is a good thing. This is the point that I take a deep breath, release my tension from the day, and get lost in the virtual universe. It’s a great thing.
Lately, there is a battle for keyboard time. Not only does YaYa also have a blog, but he has also discovered a game site that is popular with his classmates and his cousins on the other coast. He is motivated to get his homework completed so that he can earn some computer time. Tonight, YaYa finished the bulk of his homework at daycare, and finished the final problems in the van as we waited for BoBo to be excused from his baseball practice. He earned the time, but BoBo also had computer needs tonight.
BoBo, wanted to use the computer for an online Spanish review. I really didn’t want to give up my laptop time; I’d earned it too. *sigh* Although we have a more than one computer, it was looking like there it would be awhile before my fingers would hit the keyboard.
By the time I finally was able to get my fingers on the laptop, my thoughts had escaped me. There was nothing left. I tried to catch up on my blog reading, but it was not use; the connection was lost. So, I got pretended to write, with hopes that something would come out. Finally, I let myself get lost in the television along with my boys who were watching the new episode of Friday Night Lights.
Fortunately for me, my mind and body was functioning fully when my feet hit the pavement (and a little bit of dirt) for my lunchtime run. I tried to “feel” the easy pace but ended up over doing “easy” it a little bit more than planned. I wanted to be certain to back off the pace enough in the intervals between my pickups. I told myself that I was going too fast. When I was back at my desk, I realized that the “feel” might have been off because I was really pushing hard on each of my pickups. Generally it is easier to run without constantly checking my pace (as I have been doing in the past few weeks). It is also good to peek once in a while just to verify that what feels like 9/mile (or whatever pace I am trying to achieve) is indeed within range.
Regardless of the easy pace, my run was still a success. I tried something new, and programmed Garminia to keep the time intervals for my pickups to exactly 20 seconds. All I had to do was run at my easy pace until was ready for my pickup. When I was ready, I just hit the lap button and ran hard until Garminia beeped at me 20 seconds later to let me know that it was time to slow down. I could then run easy again until I was ready to begin the next interval with just a push of a button. It worked out nicely. Unlike my previous pickup workouts, this time I didn’t need to count or try to look at the watch until I the 20 seconds had passed. It was freeing and I was able to push harder.
Yay! Something new for you to teach me :-) I used the Virtual Partner today and beat him by .12 miles :-)