I was so happy to find that my muscles were not the least bit sore after Sunday’s run. It wasn’t that I expected it, but I really haven’t been doing all that much hill climbing this year so I was ready for it. I wasn’t sore, but Monday is scheduled as a cross training day, so I spent the work day, well “working”. No break for lunch. I just worked straight through.
By the time 4 pm rolled around, I was ready to make for the door. I decided to walk over towards my carpool buddy’s place of business. I couldn’t tolerate any more sitting. It was while walking that I noted my right lateral shin was tender. I could feel that little ouch with each push off of my foot.
I put my bike on the trainer last night and went for a spin in my backyard. I’ve never used my bicycle trainer in the backyard, but it was very nice to feel the cool breeze. The view was nice too.
Today, I did some light weight lifting exercises and also did some cross training. I was on the machine that is called the “natural runner” of all things. I can tell you that there is nothing natural about it. All of the “natural runners” in my work’s fitness center are also calibrated so that you could work hard for 30 minutes and only register 1.5 miles in distance. You know how I am about numbers. I could go crazy watching the speed, or lack of, displaying on the screen.
Well after 1.5 miles of cross training, I feel the need to do something that has meaning. It’s 9 pm and I am fighting the urge to get back on the bike for a little bit more of a real workout. At least then I would have some numbers worth logging.
I’ll wait to see how I feel after I get this ice pack off of my leg.
Fidgety, fidgety, fidgety! Another OCD habit :-) Listen to your leg and get it healin!
Hey! Kind words, kind words. Just type A, not OCD. :)
hmmm… I was going to say OCD, too but I guess I’ll skip that. Trainer in the back yard sounds interesting. Not as interesting as actually riding but not a bad alternative for a ride in the dark.
I share your frustration with machines that don’t give an accurate account of your workout. The elliptical trainer at work woefully undercounts my mileage. For instance, after 45 minutes battling “hills,” the machine says I only completed 3.8 miles, when I KNOW I did more than 5 ….