I have a special running buddy on the days when the run just has to happen and there is no time otherwise. While other kids would complain, YaYa joins in with enthusiasm, smiles, and a CAN DO attitude.
He admires me for my persistence in my goal, and often comments on his observations. Once, a few years ago, he told me to keep my hands straight, with my fingers together so that they would cut the wind – do this Mommy and you will go to Boston. When I had wanted to cry at my disappointment for missing my BQ goal AGAIN, YaYa was offering up his encouragement in his own special way. He KNEW that there would be another attempt and I am proud of him for believing in me.
It is so important to have the people you love believe in you. I am so blessed to have my whole family (Tom, BoBo, DD and YaYa) 100% behind me as I live down this dream of Boston Qualification. To my family and friends, thank you for your never-ending support. I love you!
You’ve got good support there at home so you will achieve a BQ. Little boys love to help push you. Have fun.Nice blog!
What great support!
Hi Juls,Thanks for visiting my blog. It’s nice to “meet” someone else training for Grandma’s. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble qualifying for Boston on this course. I’ll send you my email and if you’d like, we can meet at the expo.Thoughtful post. It is nice to have the support of family. I couldn’t do this without my husband’s help and understanding.