Sometimes you need to mix it up. I should have mixed it up a bit this past Sunday, but instead I ran on the same old trail. No matter which part of the trail I park my van at, it is still the same old trail. 12 miles of Ho-hum! The only excitement was running into an old friend along the way. We caught up a bit on eachother’s running and then continued on our merry ways (in the rain). Okay, so the rain changed things a little. I also did it as a 3:1 workout finishing strong with the last 3 miles at a faster pace (< 8:00/mile) to add some needed variety. When I was a kid, I used to complain about the lack of variety in our nightly meals at home. Hamburger, chicken, potpies...(repeat). Meatloaf must have been a frequent meal on his childhood menu. I used to hear him complain about it. Well tonight, I took a chance, and made meatloaf. Mine, however, was made out of turkey meat. I served it with red potatoes, asparagus, and some gravy. Tom took one look at the meatloaf, asked what it was and laughed when I told him what it was. He laughed long and hard. But the family ate the light colored meatloaf and the even liked it. As I think about my 20-mile run for this weekend, I need to consider driving a bit farther for it. I am contemplating a run somewhere where the run is more difficult, but also more scenic. I need to keep my enthusiasm for my training. The final 4 weeks of my training might as well be enjoyable as well as challenging.
Hey Julie, thanks for stopping by. I enjoyed catching up on your blog. I loved every minute of my own boys baseball careers. Hope you can find an inspiring trail for your 20. Oh, and meatloaf sounds great!