When I was young, I was taught to treat others as I wished to be treated. I was told that this “golden rule” would insure that people would treat me well. Growing up, I learned this to be not quite as true as I had hoped. Yet, I continue to strive to treat others as I wish to treated. Now, as I go through my yoga teacher training, I read about the yamas (an ethical code of conduct for yogis and the like minded). First on the list of yamas is “ahimsa” which reminds us to practice nonviolence to ourselves and to others. Furthermore, it urges us do good, even to those who do not do good in return.
Every day, when I roll out my mat, I practice compassion with myself. My practice is a mix of poses which are easy (but not too easy), challenging (but not too challenging). I practice being kind and accepting to myself and in turn am kind and accepting to others when I am off the mat. It is good.
Occasionally, however, we are faced with someone who has found fault with you. They are unkind and not accepting of you as a person. What do you do? How do you do the right thing but not get walked on?